Friday, February 26, 2016

Flexible February

One thing I've learned about modern quilters is how flexible they are.  So when we couldn't get into our normal meeting place, guild members had no problem relocating at a moment's notice.  Texting and calling those who hadn't arrived yet gave the new meeting address and we carried on as if nothing happened.  That's flexibility.  And even a visitor (who we hope will be a new member soon), found their way to the relocated meeting. The presentation, which changed three times, ended up being on How to prepare your quilt for the longarmer.  The presenter felt like she was preaching to the choir, since there were quite a few longarm owners in the audience, but I know I learned something that hadn't come up for me yet, and I suspect everyone got at least one tip or trick that was new to them.  We held our first swap of the year.  The January meeting presentation was on fabric postcards and a few members used what they learned to join in the postcard swap.  Below are the postcards with their new owners. If you want to see the show n tell from the meeting, check out the Eye Candy page.

March presentation:  Picking the right batting
March special project:  12 1/2 inch Spring block with Text background for Lottery drawing (get as many chances as blocks you make)
Bring: Your design for the guild logo.
Bring:  Your Get 'em Done challenge list
April presentation:  Tips and tricks on quilting related businesses
April special project:  A Spring mini-quilt to swap at the meeting.