Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November Newsletter


Praying you have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Day!!
Annual Christmas Party!!
December 1st
There will be no sewcial time.
Starting time is 6:00pm

There will be no refreshments, please bring your own drink, and covid rules apply.
Social Distancing and masks are required.

Bring your Block of the Week Quilt top or completed Quilt for sew and tell.
Can't wait to see what you have done!!!

Secret Quilting Sister
Bring your Christmas gift for your secret sewing sister and a thank you gift for your Secret Giver
(if you can't be at the party, please bring your gifts to scrappy by noon on December first.)
If you have not already turned in your form for next year's secret quilting sister, please bring to the meeting.

White Elephant Table Runner Exchange
Bring your White Elephant table runner, wrapped for our exchange!!
If you bring one, you'll take one home!!
Must be at least 12" or larger and handmade. Can't wait to steal!!!

Get E'm Done
Lorena will have new Get Em Done Forms for you to fill out and have back for the January Meeting.

There will be a very short installation ceremony for our new board members.
Completion Drawings!
Prizes for:
Grange Quilt