Friday, April 15, 2016

No fooling, the April meeting was great

If you haven't had a chance, check your GED spreadsheet on the facebook site and let Cathy know if she got anything wrong.  Keep working on getting 'em done so you have lots of chances to win a the end of the year.

We voted in the bylaws.  They'll be posted on facebook and on this blog.

We talked about the retreat at Honey Hill on April 22-24.  If you want to go, let Kim know.  We'll plan meals once we get a final on who is going.  If you want, you can add Thursday too.  Kim and Jan will be bringing their embroidery machines and if you want to make a Tuffet, Kim has kits and can help with that.

We're still looking for a Grange Liaison.  You'd just need to attend one meeting a month.  Right now they meet the first Sunday of the month.  Let Jo know if you can help out.  This will help us make sure we can use the facility when needed and keep us connected to the Grange and what they're doing.

We held our Spring mini-quilt swap.  We had 10 participants.  Thanks to all who played along.  We were all winners.  (Sorry I missed the photo of my and Barbara's swap.)

We have 2 challenges for the May meeting.  1) Bring in 12 squares made from half-square triangles.  They can be scrappy, all the same fabric combos, whatever you want.  But all the same size.  We'll be swapping them.  2)   Bring in your favorite bag pattern or whichever one you want to make next, and the fabric to make it. You'll get tips and tricks from our presenter on bag making.  We'll have a sew along in May so we can all sew on our favorite bags.

You can see the sew and tell in the Eye Candy tab.  See you next month.

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