Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Welcome to 2020 at HCMQG

We had our first meeting of the year.
What a great group of ladies and FUN was had by all.
There were 14 members and 2 visitors in attendance.

The Grange quilt is almost bound. Isn't it beautiful?

There are so many things to look forward to this year.


Our January program was the Disappearing pinwheel.
The finished quilt will be a QOV donation.

Programs throughout the year will include:
Half Square Triangles, Reckless Applique, One Block Wonder, Demos & Tips, plus a few others.

The upcoming retreat is March 6-8 at The Queen's Rustic Retreat.
There are still openings available.

August will bring on a Road Trip to the Quilt Museum in La Grange.

Community Service Projects

Our Community Service Projects program is headed by Jacqui Kirk and will include:

Quilt for Kids where they need quilts that start at 37" x 42".
Quilts should be made with 100% cotton or good quality flannel with thin batting and dense quilting.
Bring any donated quilts to our meeting and Jacqui will collect them.

Fleece blankets can be serged, or the fleece donated for a charity project.

Pillowcases for charity.

Any project donated will receive an entry into a drawing at the December party.


If you have any sunshine or shadow news, please let Linda or Meloney know so we can alert your other guild members.

Beginning in March, we will have a scrap table where you can bring your unwanted quilting items.
This will happen in March, June, September, and January.

It's not too soon to be thinking about what we want to exchange at the December Christmas party.
We exchanged pincushions at the 2019 Christmas Party.
So, what should we exchange this year?
Some of the ideas were table runners, tote bags, ornaments, mug rugs, candle mats, placemats, purse, FQs.
What are your ideas?
We will vote on them at the February meeting.

Get Em Done (GED)

How many people have any UFOs, WIPs, PIGs, PHDs or WHIMMs?
(Unfinished Objects, Works in Progress, Projects in Grocery Bags, Projects Half Done, or Works Hidden in My Mind.)
I know I do.
I have way more than I'll ever finish in a year, but I'm excited about a challenge to get more done this year than ever.
Join in on the Get Em Done (GED) Challenge for $10.
If you are interested, please let Lana and Meloney know.
Remember, the projects don't have to be quilts or big projects, they are anything YOU need to finish in 2020.
To gain entry into the drawing at the December meeting, bring your finished project to a meeting for Show and Tell.
At the December meeting, a drawing will be held for half the amount of money collected.

Secret Quilter

Secret Quilter is starting up in February.
We have 14 players
Remember to make arrangements if you are not going to be at the meeting.
Gifts each month don't have to be expensive, they are just to bring some joy into the person's life.
Bring it in a brown paper bag and place it on the table by the refrigerator


The door Prize was donated by Marilyn and won by Ramona.
The Foxy Auction was donated by Marilyn and won by Betty.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and a year full of Quilting and Finishing.

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